Ezme – Turkish Chilli Salad

This recipe is for a Turkish meze. Chili salad is delicious as a dip, paste or spread. Especially good wıth yoghurt and garlic! Turkish and Greek versions are very similar with the Turkish being much spicer.

Ingredients (serves 4 as a side dish):

4 medium-sized tomatoes (it is important that you use the tastiest tomatoes you can find; their looks are irrelevant as they will be chopped. You can vary the number according to the size of fruit you use)
4 spring onions (again, aim for the sharpest-flavoured you can locate. A fresh red onion can also be used)
1 red pepper (yes, as above)
1 chili pepper (hot, hot, hot!)
1 tablespoon tomato paste
juice of half a lemon
olive oil
salt and pepper

Chop all the ingredients as finely as possible and mıx together. Ezme can be kept in the fridge for a couple of days. It gets better with time, the flavours infuse better giving a more rounded, fuller flavour.

About Author



July 17, 2022
Love Turkish recipes! Visiting Turkey is on my Bucket list.

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